Should we jump 10,000 feet into a bucket of ice cold water? Hell no.
Could we eat a raw tarantula? I suppose so.
Should we eat a raw tarantula? Ewwww....NO.
Could we jump off the Empire State Building? Sure
Should we jump off the Empire State Building? No.
Could we set ourselves on fire? Yes
Should we set ourselves on fire? No....ouch.
Could we sleep with our sister in law? Yes
Should we sleep with our sister in law? No.
Could they put a mosque near the WTC site? Yes
Should they put a mosque near the WTC site? No.
It's not about having the right to do anything. We all have rights to do things. We are all free to practice our religion any way we choose to. We are all free to set ourselves on fire, if we are stupid enough to do so. No one is telling Muslims NOT to practice their religion. We're just wondering at the wisdom of putting a place of Muslim worship near the WTC site.
We're not bigots. We want you to be able to practice your religion in peace. Just not there.
There are lots of places they could build. But they chose to build there. It's all about choices.
If Christians, in the name of Christianity, had perpetrated a crime like 9/11 against another religious group....lets say Mormons...then they wanted to build a huge Christian place of worship right near the site of this atrocious event, well, that's just plain insensitive.
It's about being sensitive. It's not about hate. It's about a lack of sensitivity. Some people do hate Muslims, I'm sure. Some people hate Christians and Jews, some people hate hot's not about that. It's about sensitivity. There are plenty of places to put this mosque in that area. Why there? Why the insistence? Why the secrecy regarding funds and where they are coming from? Lots of questions, not many answers.
The Constitutional right to practice your religion as you choose exists for all of us. It's not about freedom to practice. That right is not at question here. It's the wisdom of placing a mosque at that particular place that is in question. Go build your mosque somewhere else and no one would care. Practice as you choose....but try to be more sensitive in your choices.
Could you build your mosque near the WTC? Sure. Should you build your mosque near the WTC? No.
We "could" do whatever we want...but "should" we?