Tuesday, September 13, 2011

25 things about ME

A friend of mine was passing around this 25 Things about Me on Facebook, and I decided that rather than put it there...so that everyone could see it....I would post it here and the folks I want to see it will see it, and the general public will continue to NOT know 25 things about me...their loss I suppose!

Ok...here goes....

1. I don't have a belly button.

2. If no one sees me eat something, then I didn't eat it. I wipe it from my memory.

3. I adore being served attitude along with my morning coffee. It makes it taste better.

4. I have seen a ghost. Really.

5. I believe the thing I do best is being a mother.

6. If I could have, I would have had 20 kids, just like Mrs. Duggar.

7. I need to read.

8. I love getting up early to hear the first sounds of the day.

9. I can't be friends with anyone I can't respect.

10. My first kiss was amazing.

11. I don't like confrontation.

12. Insincerity makes me sad.

13. I love, love, love to write!

14. My first love was a dog. He was soooo cute.

15. My eyes are so bad I can't read the phone book anymore.

16. I believe I knew my gynocologist in a past life.

17. I was married to one of my best friends in a past life.

18. My favorite time of day is bedtime!

19. I hate math.

20. I have three friends who are like sisters to me. I am very blessed.

21. I was adopted...and I don't have any hard feelings for my birth mother, nor do I need to know who she is.

22. I believe I am often misunderstood.

23. I have anxiety attacks more often than I would like.

24. I live in the town I always dreamed of living in .

25. I am very, very blessed. I try to be conscious of that everyday.

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