Thursday, November 7, 2013

BOOK REVIEW: The Kept by James Scott......

The Kept by James Scott is a difficult novel to read.  There isn't a positive moment, not a ray of light in the dismal existence of these sad and desperate characters.  They are certainly well crafted, the plot well thought out, the story compelling, yet the dark tone was very hard to carry with you, and carry it with you, you shall. 

It begins quite simply, with death, and from those deaths come thoughts of revenge, anger, desperation, confusion and doubt.  There was one sad moment after the next, one disappointment after the other, everyday a struggle for survival and a grasping and clawing that you can actually feel.  Is that a sign of a great novel?  It most certainly is, however, I felt it necessary to warn the reader that this is a very dark novel, there is nothing truly happy happening here, just a collection of pain and heartache that feels as real as any you have experienced in this world yourself. 

This is well crafted, and I'm not disregarding that fact.  If you are looking for a novel written in the tradition of Cold Mountain, then I think this one is for you. If you are looking for something light, a story with a bit more balance, then perhaps this isn't for you.  If you are highly sensitive, this one might weigh you down as you read.  

The dark and gray world of The Kept will linger with you, carry you down its dreary paths and leave its mark.  This is a fine piece of dramatic literature for the discerning reader.

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