Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I have been away from my blog for a bit and I must apologize to no one in particular, as I think I am one of the few folks who actually read this blather...but I must apologize because it seems the right thing to do. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to get on my blog at work. I enjoy taking my 15 minute breaks and helps clear my head sometimes...and there are other times when I don't feel like going out for lunch when I feel like going on and on about something, but now I can't. They have BLOCKED MY BLOG! What could it be about my blog that would make the powers that be at work deem it block-worthy? I just can't imagine. I don't think I've ever been vulgar in my blog...I try to use good language and proper grammar!!! I could be failing in the grammar department, but certainly NOT in the vulgar language. I would remember if I said anything offensive. I did say IMISSMYDOOR, but I KNOW that's not swearing! It may be a word filled with feeling and passion...but it's nothing near offensive.

I've been pondering why my access to the Google blogs was blocked, and again, I can't imagine. I think it's one of those flukey things like when my news website was blocked for about a month and then it came back on. I'm hoping that eventually they will see the error they have made and they will restore my access to my therapy! That's really what blogging's therapy for me. It helps it all get sorted out in my head and even when I write about nothing in particular, it still does something to help me come down to a comfortable place in my head. I don't want to have to say IMISSMYBLOG like IMISSMYDOOR! Don't let it come to that!!! PAAHHHLLEEEEEZZEE!

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